In such a competitive marketplace, the need for strategic corporate branding has become critical for any business trying to set themselves apart from the pack. But if you look a bit deeper, a smart font and snazzy aesthetics are just the beginning. What can your company do to serve as an example and communicate a stronger message?
More and more, consumers are invested in businesses that signal their commitment to high standards, and leading companies understand that corporate branding also serves as a way to communicate their distinct culture and values. Regardless of whether you’re a champion for diversity, making moves to be more environmentally friendly, or deeply involved in uplifting your local community, great art curation plays an integral role in connecting with your audience.
So what might that look like for you? There are a lot of options out there, and landing on the right messaging might feel a little overwhelming. But that’s why we’re here: in addition to our expert curations over at, we firmly believe in the power of education—there’s no gatekeeping here! Let’s take a closer look.
Thoughtful corporate branding influences consumer choices
Once upon a time, most businesses could simply rely on their products, brand heritage, or even physical placement to keep customers coming back. But those days, for better or worse, are over.
It can be a tough world out there, with various injustices and woes weighing on most everyone’s minds. And interestingly, this reality influences our habits as consumers as well. Ultimately, it’s become increasingly clear that shoppers expect businesses to do more than simply providing products and services.
Bluntly translated, this means that great service and solid products are now the bare minimum, and corporate branding needs to stand for something bigger. The old adage “put your money where your mouth is” is more than a cute expression: it’s a hard truth that can make or break your business. And while Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the latest buzzworthy topic amongst marketing strategists, it’s more than just lip service: it has an unparalleled impact on how the public perceives you, which in turn influences your customers’ shopping habits.
So what, exactly, does Corporate Social Responsibility entail? You might want to think about:
- Environmental Protection
- Worker Treatment
- Corporate Governance
- Philanthropy
- Human Rights
- Corporate Ethics
And while these topics need to be upheld philosophically, they can also, incredibly, be reinforced by smart corporate branding strategies that glean inspiration from the good work that you do.

Thoughtful corporate branding has the power to do good AND feel good.
Using environmental art for corporate branding
If you’ve taken steps to minimize packaging, introduce recycling programs, or spread environmental awareness amongst your buyers, then we salute you: it’s no easy feat, and it takes time, energy, and money to fully commit.
But we have exciting news: that’s just the beginning. Working with environmental art can be a powerful way to reinvigorate your corporate branding strategies, and it’s one that many consumers actively seek out. In fact, McKinsey and NielsenIQ undertook an extensive study to investigate how many people actually “walk the talk”: that is to say, backed up their sentiments with their wallets. And the results were crystal clear: products that made ESG (environmental, social, governance) claims averaged 28% cumulative growth over a five-year period, versus 20% for products that made no such claims. The data speaks for itself: doing good isn’t just the moral high ground, but rather it’s a solid business move.
So how can you introduce this concept to your corporate branding strategy? The best option is to work with artists that place an emphasis on using environmentally friendly materials, like reclaimed wood, eco-friendly paints, recycled metal, and biodegradable alternatives to plastic. At the end of the day, social responsibility and art intersect when it comes to accountability issues, and thoughtful companies and artists use materials and methods to spark deeper conversations about how we can all do better.
Corporate branding can be an extension of how you treat your workers
Never underestimate the power of initiating change directly in the workplace—you have members of the local community right at your fingertips, so why not get them fired up?
As we’ve shared before, art projects and thoughtful curations provide ample opportunities to engage and even involve your staff. Per Culturehive, “Involvement can improve the creativity of organizations and its people, can inspire innovation and new approaches to work, and provide informal ways for staff to engage with each other.”
Feeling a bit stuck in terms of how to pick art for your corporate branding strategy? Why not get workers involved and ask them their thoughts about local artists or commercial works that you’ve been considering. Committed to creating an environment that fosters diversity and inclusion? There are artworks—and even individual artists—that can reflect your values in a powerful and moving way.
Creating a safe environment through art facilitates conversations and connections, and there’s perhaps no more powerful way to earn workers’ trust while sparking internal dialogues. And once again, it’s not just something that feels good: if your employees feel you care and experience evidence of your investment day after day, they’ll give you their all—and they’ll be in it for the long haul.

Corporate branding can unlock your company’s true potential. How are you getting started?
Uplift your local community
Research has shown that the arts benefit their local communities in a myriad of ways, from helping to reduce crime rates to fostering a sense of pride and belonging. Who wouldn’t want to be at the forefront of such positive and radical change?
And believe it or not, corporate branding—when authentic and backed by tangible actions—has the power to play a large part.
From working with local artists to investing in works that speak directly to the community, the arts possess a unique ability to bring us all together. Regardless of any personal differences, artistic expression provides a platform for connection, influences how we relate to others, and even allows us to be more empathetic.
Art is older than language, and for thousands of years, it’s been used to express emotions, communicate ideas, share traditions, and pass down our unique knowledge and history. As someone involved in corporate branding, you possess an incredible ability to speak to this collective history and unite a community in the process—all through thoughtful curation.
Thoughtful corporate branding can benefit wellness initiatives
Hear us out, as we know it might sound farfetched: if your heart is in the right place and you genuinely care about creating a business culture that’s steeped in good values, corporate branding, coupled with a great art selection, can play a significant role.
Imagine a stark space with fluorescent lighting and drab hallways. It doesn’t sound too appealing, does it? And besides being unappealing, the more important issue is that it’s uninspiring. Most of us spend so much time at work—about one third, or a whopping 90,000 hours over the course of our lifetimes. Why make it stark and soul-crushing when it can be a place of engagement and inspiration?
Especially when we consider the important role that colors play in affecting our moods, corporate branding presents a unique opportunity to uplift and invigorate. So unless you’re a lab or technical facility in which stark white walls are a clear necessity, we encourage you to opt for vivid hues.
Do you hope to energize your workers and customers and create a happier atmosphere? Warmer colors like reds, oranges, and yellows play a major part in the art you select. Or are you trying to soothe and instill a sense of calm? Then cooler hues like blues, purples, and greens are an excellent choice. Regardless of the vibe you’re aiming to obtain, one thing is clear: the science shows that aesthetics matter, and your corporate branding strategy plays an important part in how you impact and influence others.
Gone are the days of thoughtless art choices that are implemented solely to take up space. With so much competition, both online and in real life, companies big and small need to level up when it comes to the values they communicate and the artwork they use to do it. Thoughtful corporate branding is about more than making a sale (although it’s been proven that it can help achieve that, too): it’s about playing a larger role in your own community, and in the world. How are you going to make it work for you?
How has corporate branding impacted your business? Have you experienced any missteps? Or how about any thrilling successes? Please let us know in the comments!